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Blood Panels

Blood panels are an important part of comprehensive addiction treatment. That’s why Jesslynne Kelly Lillard DNP, FNP-BC, and the team at My Next Steps of Morganton offer this service to residents of Morganton, North Carolina. If you need to schedule blood panels or want more information about recovery services, call or click to schedule a visit today.

What are blood panels?

Blood panels are tests that use a small sample of blood to gain insight into how your body is functioning. There are many types of blood panels available, each of which creates a unique view of physiological function.

The process for having blood panels done is simple and straightforward. You simply relax in the treatment chair as your practitioner uses a sterile needle and syringe to draw a small volume of blood from a vein on your hand or wrist.

That sample goes to a lab for testing. It doesn’t take long for the results to become available to both you and your practitioner.


What kinds of blood panels are available?

At My Next Steps of Morganton, a complete blood panel is usually the starting point. Commonly called a complete blood count, these tests help evaluate your overall health. Some of the areas of focus are your white and red blood cells, hematocrit, hemoglobin, and platelets. The results can detect issues like anemia or infection.

A hepatic panel is also a common part of blood testing in recovery care. These tests assess your liver function. If the results show areas of concern, your practitioner works with you to find the right treatment plan or lifestyle modifications to support healthy liver function.

Pharmacogenetic testing (PGx) is a special type of testing that looks at the way your genetic makeup influences the way your body processes medication. Genetics affect all aspects of physiological function and metabolizing medication is no exception.


What role do blood panels play in medication assisted treatment?

The first goal of blood testing is to assess your overall health and wellness to ensure your system is able to begin the recovery process without posing undue risk. You can even get tested for sexually transmitted disease.

Another goal is to learn more about how you metabolize medications. The information gleaned from pharmacogenetic testing helps your practitioner design your customized treatment plan. Medication assisted treatment is far safer and more effective when your practitioner knows which forms of drug therapy are likely to yield the best results.

Blood panels are especially important for those who come in for treatment for opioid addiction. During your initial visit, your practitioner explains which types of blood panels are right for you. When you’re ready to learn more, convenient booking options include phone calls in addition to online scheduling.

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